5 assistant devices for disabilities in India

5 assistant devices for disabilities in India, that does not cost a bomb.

There is a wide range of assistive devices available to fulfill the needs of people with disabilities. By using these aids and assistive devices, people with disabilities become independent and their participation in society increases. Such devices help with daily activities like eating, bathing, cooking, dressing, toileting, home maintenance, etc. The following are some devices available in India, specially made for people with disabilities:

Wheelchairs and crutches
Different types of wheelchairs are suited to different environments. Also, the cost of a wheelchair varies depending on the facilities and technologies provided. This is a necessary equipment for people with affected legs.
Crutches are also available at a reasonable cost, depending on the quality of the product. This is a type of walking aid that serves to increase the size of an individual’s base of support. They transfer weight from the legs to the upper body and are often used by people who cannot use their legs to support their weight.

Cane, magnifier, and software for computers
Canes are easily available in the market at all price ranges. Canes are developed with many features like vibrators and sound effects, which help visually impaired people identify obstacles around them.
Magnifiers help people with low vision read textbooks and magazines without any trouble.
Talking software is easily available on the internet. People with visual disabilities can install this on their computers and work like others. Many software can be downloaded for free.

Hearing aids
There are two basic types of hearing aids that come in many different styles: in-the-ear (ITE) hearing aids and behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aids. These types are very convenient to buy and are reasonably priced. They help people with hearing disabilities hear the noise around them, but they won’t work for severe conditions.

In today’s world, digital technology and smartphones have become a part of our everyday lives. Smartphones are one of the most advanced forms of digital technology that can be viewed as assistant technology for differently-abled individuals, including those with a visual impairment. Smartphones are filled with many apps that can be used for various purposes.

Visual images and noise cancelling headphones
Many children with autism are visual thinkers. Technology makes visual images more accessible and helps sustain their attention. Learning through visual classes in apps and software improves their knowledge and memory power.
An assistant device with adjustable sound levels can help children with autism to a great extent. Tools like noise cancelling headphones that eliminate most of the background noise and reduce the decibels to a manageable level are useful for children sensitive to loud noises