5 historical figures who overcame learning disorders


Successful people in history who overcame learning disorders

Able Aura . 2min 30sec read

In this topic
Charles Robert Darwin
Agatha Christie
Albert Einstein
George Washington
Leonardo Da Vinci

Learning disabilities are disorders which affect the ability to speak, write, communicate, do mathematical calculations, and so on and so forth. These disorders can be observed from a very young age. Overall, this is a neurological condition. This includes a group of disorders like, Dyslexia, dyspraxia, Dyscalculia etc. and most of these cannot be cured. It is a lifelong issue. But, even among all such conditions, lies the hope of doing extraordinary things when proper help and support is provided.

Here are a few well known figures who overcame their problems with great success.


Charles Robert Darwin was an English born naturalist, geologist, and biologist. He’s best known for his contributions to the science of evolution. Some historians claim that Darwin faced obsessive -compulsive disorder and also mild dyslexia. His sister Susan sometimes pointed out his mistakes in spellings like cannibal, landscape, highest, etc. But Darwin was bestowed with his creativity from Asperger’s syndrome, a professor from Trinity college in Dublin claimed. Like the ability to observe everything.


Agatha Christie was known for her 666 detective novels and also, she was an English writer. Her full name is Dame Agatha Mary Clarissa Christie. But she had a learning disability called developmental output failure, dysgraphia. She faced difficulty with spelling, arithmetic and mechanical aspects or writing. These problems did not stop her from becoming one of the most successful and famous writers in the English language.


Albert Einstein was one of the greatest physicists. He developed the theory of relativity. There were controversies about his learning difficulties. One of the leading autism experts Simon Baron Cohen believed that he had Asperger’s Syndrome. For this disorder he faced difficulty in communication and also, he delivered confusing lectures. Moreover, many people believed that he also had the mathematical disorder, dyscalculia. For this, he saw numbers and formulas differently.


George Washington was an American soldier and also founding father of the first president of the United States. He faced pronounced learning disabilities. Many historians said that Washington faced difficulty in reading and writing and also, he wrote horrible grammar in Washington’s congressional papers.


Leonardo Da Vinci was an Italian polymath of the high renaissance period. Experts believed that he faced the signs of dyslexia like attention issues. He used to write backwards and also used incorrect spellings. That is why he did not complete many of his projects. Apart from all this he managed to not only shine in multiple fields but also emerged as a pioneer in mastering them.

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