8 Mistakes to Avoid While Choosing a Partner If You are Visually Challenged - Able Aura Community

8 Mistakes to Avoid While Choosing a Partner If You are Visually Challenged

If you are visually challenged, you know that it is really hard to get to know the world and the people in it without being able to see their gestures and body language. It is for the same reason why it is extremely difficult at times to tell if someone is being actually nice or taking advantage of you. That is why you should employ other tricks while choosing your life partner very consciously and thoughtfully.

Let’s talk today about the mistakes visually challenged people usually make to do this, which should be avoided at all costs.

1. Don’t rush to any decision

If your potential partner is a sighted person then you should decide to spend a lot of time with each other. The philosophy and thoughts of a visually challenged person can be completely different from the life philosophy of a sighted person. If you are not absolutely sure what the real intentions of the other person are, then give it some time and get to know them better. While it is true that not every non-disabled person wants to take advantage of you, there have been instances where many people try to get into relationships with a disabled individual because they would be able to take advantage of their situation to make their own life easier. So please don’t make the big mistake of believing them completely in just a few days. It is best if you decide to marry someone after spending a year or more with them.

2. No sympathy is needed!

It is very important to know that those, who point out your disability and show you only the customary sympathy, it would be a big mistake to choose them as your partner. If you spend some time with such people, you would realize that after some time, maybe a year, they would give you guilt trips on the fact that they do so many favors for you. Understand that a partnership is like a bicycle, there is a lot of giving and take, so he/she is not simply doing you a favor, and you help them out in this relationship too! , and you should not have any relationship with them. You never want anyone to pity you, show you sympathy publicly, and care for you in a way that highlights your disability. All you want is someone to be by your side as a pillar at that moment when you are not able to do that specific work without his/her help and to make you mentally strong.

3. Should you get into a partnership with a physically impaired person?

To answer this with a complete ‘yes’ or a complete ‘no’, would be wrong, and here’s why! Every individual has different needs, for the disabled and the non-disabled. So, while having a relationship with a physically disabled person may be okay for another visually impaired person, it might not be so with you! In reality, if you are hoping for your partner to help you out with certain tasks, and have no one else living with you, except your partner, you need to assess whether a physically impaired partner would be able to fulfill your needs. The same goes for a physically impaired person. If he/she needs a partner who would help them out with certain daily activities and a visually impaired person is unable to fulfill those expectations, the relationship would fall apart. At the end of the day, it is your choice, but remember; the chemistry in a relationship is brought about by both the partners disabled or not!

4. Don’t fall for insecure people!

A violent person who abuses would never be a good partner at all. Staying in this kind of relationship can ruin your life. You always need to remember that you deserve the best. You should never make the mistake of falling into the clutches of a selfish or malicious person, just because that person is temporarily being nice to you.

5. Stay away from fake social media profiles!

Visually impaired people often fall prey to people with fake profiles on social media or other dating apps. This is mainly because these sites and platforms are not 100% accessible to visually impaired people. So, to check out the background of certain people, it is possible you have missed out on certain details or posts which can be a red flag just because it was not accessible to you. “Inclov” is a dating app that has authentic people and it gives blind people a chance to choose the partner of their choice.

6. Go for a background check!

The most common mistake that we have noticed in choosing a partner is not doing any kind of background check on the date or the partner. Background checks can help you know more about the past of your potential partner and that can also prevent you from dangerous situations in the future.

Final Thoughts:

It is important to take care of yourself, have pride in who you are as a human being, and not fall prey to temporary niceties and sympathy. Many visually impaired people make these mistakes and rush to a conclusion, because of the social fear of not getting a partner at all. Be confident, life is extremely precious and too beautiful for you to be in a toxic relationship. If you are visually challenged, keep these things in mind while choosing a partner in your life. We wish you a trouble-free partnership that lasts a lifetime.

Read more: 6 Tips for Better Chemistry with Your Non-Disabled Partner