Career opportunities for persons with cognitive disability

Career opportunities for persons with cognitive disability

Cognitive disability impacts adaptive skills, referring to how well a person can deal with everyday tasks, including the ability to speak and understand, dress, bathe, feed, manage job responsibilities, manage money, use community resources, basic academic skills, and more. Cognitive disability is divided into three categories: mild, moderate, and severe. Jobs can be provided to individuals with cognitive disability according to their stage and stability with proper vocational training.

Jobs in this area could include card making, assorted stationary products like pen stands, paper holders, table mats, books, and associated products, household accessories like trays, lanterns, etc. Skill training will be in areas of tracing, drawing, cutting, folding, sticking, and decorating, among others.

Work in this area could include embroidery on table mats, aprons, towels, embroidery on baby dresses and wrappers, and making of the same, beading on dupattas, sarees, and others. Students are taught different stitches depending on their capability.

Students are taught safety and care while working with hot wax and fire. They are taught to make various candles and the procedures associated with them. The students are also taught how to decorate them. However, this is suggested for students with mild cognitive disability.

Trainers help students to explore their creativity in the world of painting. They are guided to feel what they are painting, and all that they do is displayed so that they can observe and appreciate their work as well as that of others. They are taught to use different mediums and different textures.

Individuals with mild cognitive disability can work in a corporate company after proper vocational training. They can be placed as office assistants, data collectors, clerks, and so on. Nowadays, many corporate companies hire people with cognitive disabilities and place them based on their capability.

There are many NGOs and vocational training centers dedicated to the betterment of people with cognitive disability. Parents of such children should find a suitable vocational training center for their kids. This helps to empower their kids through improved skills, knowledge, gainful employment, and decent living.