Do you really need sight to be a Chess champ?

Can blind people play chess?

Chess is more than just a board game. It requires perseverance, stamina, deep knowledge, and understanding. But how can blind people play? Is it possible for them to compete with sighted players? The answer is yes! Blind players can compete in chess against any sighted player. It is an innovative and motivating sport.
Special chess boards are used for blind players. These boards have braille squares that are raised and dotted to identify the pieces on the board. The black and white pieces are also differentiated by special squares on the pieces. Blind players touch the pieces on their special boards to keep track of the changing positions and plan their next moves. They use their chess knowledge to play just like any other player.
During a match, both players must call out their moves so that the blind player can keep track of what is happening in the game, and vice versa. A special clock is used that speaks out each player’s time. This ensures that sighted players cannot take advantage of blind players. By feeling the shape of the piece, blind players can determine whether the piece is a pawn, rook, bishop, knight, queen, or king. The touch of the pin on the pieces helps the player distinguish between a white and a black piece. The player is therefore able to have a clear mental image of the position on the board, and is ready to take on any opponent, sighted or otherwise.
After making every move, the visually impaired player must announce the move aloud so that the opponent knows what move was made. Instead of writing the moves on a score sheet, the visually impaired player writes the moves in braille or records the moves on a recorder.
This form of chess is unique, and its potential in India has not yet been fully realized. One organization that supports this cause is the National Association of the Blind in New Delhi, which runs a special training program for its students in chess. Another organization, Project Checkmate, is helping blind players improve their game. This is a stepping stone to success in the world of chess.