Guide on how one can travel with a disability with travel buddies



Though disability is an identity, it does not define you. Disability does not devalue a person. Let’s start accepting disability and being proud of who you are and anyone’s disability. Accessibility is essential for them in every sector of life, from their workplaces to disability-friendly accommodations. Travelling with a disability must be difficult but not impossible. Here are some tips to make it easier for them.


Always plan where you are going, who you are going with, what you are taking, what you will be wearing. Take everything you would possibly need, especially medications. If you take a pill maybe once a month, take it. This probably will be the time you need it.


Check your prohibitions with your travel company. Many airlines do not allow taking an extra bag with the purse; they usually charge for that, so discuss this with the company. An essential task is to find barrier-free accommodations for people with disabilities wherever you get around in a wheelchair; you won’t get stuck in doorways or in-room dividers and the bathrooms. They must have lower sinks so that everything is accessible for you. It means barrier-free allows a disabled person to experience that location just like other persons.


Always be honest about your limitations; only you would be facing problems if you didn’t. It can seem embarrassing sometimes, but who cares about embarrassment if it will make you ill. If you cannot do certain things, they do not convince you that you can. Just tell your travel companions that you cannot, and they will find it very helpful.

When you find out that your companions can do certain things but you cannot, it comes with embarrassment, but work through it. It’s straightforward to say, but it’s tough to do. It would help if you were not doing those things which will make you feel uncomfortable.


You should make room reservations very early at the hotels you want to stay at, the hotel you choose to be in the centre of the city and the sights you want to explore. Since there are only a handful of accommodations that are accessible, many PwDs book such accommodations early; you should try and book accommodation as soon as possible.