How to know or check if the train Concession has been granted?


How to know or check if the train concession has been granted?

In India, travel concessions are provided to persons with disabilties for various transport mediums like trains, flights, government owned bus transportation, etc.

Here we make an attempt to breakthrough the process of checking or confirming the train travel concessions have been applied)granted or not.

First, let us briefly understand what are the railway concessions you are entitled for:

Railway concessions in India:

•People with disabilities in India can avail of a concession on railway fares.

• The concession amount varies based on the type of disability and the class of travel.

• The concession for :white_check_mark: Divyang are Orthopaedically Handicapped/Paraplegic Persons who cannot travel without escort – for any purpose.

• It’ is 75% in 2nd, SL,1st Class, 3AC, AC chair Car.

•50% in First and Second class Monthly season ticket and Quarterly season ticket.

• One escort is also eligible for same element of concession.

As we now understand the railway concessions let’s straight breakthrough the process as to how you can check and confirm the grant of your train concession:

  • Download the Indian Railways official app. The Indian Railways app is available on both Android and iOS platforms.

  • Once you download the app, you can create an account and log in.

  • Search for information about disability services :

Once you’re logged into the Indian Railways app, search for information about services for passengers with disabilities. The app provides detailed information about the facilities available for disabled passengers, including concessions, reserved seats, and assistance with boarding and disembarking.

  • Check for concessions:

Look for information about concessions for passengers with disabilities. The Indian Railways offers a concession of 50% on the fare for disabled passengers traveling alone, as well as a concession for an accompanying person.

  • Use the "Ask Disha"feature:

The Indian Railways app has a chatbot feature called “Ask Disha” that can answer your queries and provide information on services for disabled passengers. You can ask Disha about the availability of concessions for disabled passengers.

  • Check with disability advocacy groups:

If you can’t find the information you need on the Indian Railways app, check with local disability advocacy groups. They may have information about specific train companies and the services they offer for passengers with disabilities, including concessions.

  • By using the Indian Railways app and other technology, you can easily check whether a train concession has been granted for disabilities in India. This can make the process more convenient and efficient, allowing for a smoother travel experience for disabled passengers.

For details on train travel concessions for persons with disabilties in India please visit :