If Your Partner Cheating, Lying, and Taking Your Disability for Granted: Here's What to Do

If Your Partner Cheating, Lying, and Taking Your Disability for Granted: Here’s What to Do

Most relationships between able-bodied people become more and more complicated if one of them is afflicted by a certain form of disability. This does not occur between two people who are both disabled or even between an able-bodied and disabled person. If the able-bodied person knew what he or she was getting into, the sudden accidents turn out to be crippling for one of the spouses. If you realize that your partner is taking you for granted or even cheating or lying to you because of your disability, here’s what you can do!

Establishing communication

This is one of the very first steps which will lay the foundation of any relationship which is going downhill. We often make it a point not to talk to our partner, who has been doing so much for us despite our disability. However, we should also remember that we are not in a relationship because of pity or sympathy. It is essential that we establish a strong bridge of communication between us. A simple request like taking out the trash can bring out a stream of communication between the partner and the disabled person in order to make things right again!


This is yet another area that we should always keep in mind. When either of us faces any kind of disability, the competence in the work we used to do as partners get reduced automatically; in this case, the partner has to compensate by bringing out the areas in which we might be comfortable. When a disabled person feels valued in the relationship, he or she will make sure that the partner is comfortable as well. This also gives us a sense of security in our day-to-day lives while increasing our self-confidence.

Read more: 20 Unrevealed Secrets to a Perfect Marriage with Sighted Partners


Even if we are disabled, we are not the sole sufferers in the relationship. The incident which has caused your disability has ruined the two people who had been in the relationship. We have to think about the partner who had been trying their best initially to bring us back to proper and mainstream life. We have to treat them with empathy as we talk to them. Most relationships are complicated. It might not be possible for all of us to deal with the same problem in the ideal manner. The best thing to do in this case is to treat the partner with empathy.

Financial Resources

This is one of the most significant areas which can shape the existence of any relationship. When we realize that our partner might be taking advantage of our disability or even cheating on us, the first reaction is to be heartbroken. However, we do not have the luxury of thinking of leaving the partner in case we are not blooming with the financial resources. It is proven in many studies that couples who have flourishing financial records do not face issues even if one of them has to face disability at a certain stage of life. In case you land up on the wrong side of the coin, it will be for the best if you get proper medical insurance for yourself. This can ensure that even if you leave your partner who has been taking you for granted, you will have the resources to take care of yourself.


A relationship can survive only when the two people in it are mature enough. We might be the people who are suffering from any special disability, but we have to remember that this has brought on some hazards to the partner as well. It is our responsibility to make sure that we understand the situation and handle it with maturity as two adults would do. At the same time, it is essential that the partner shows a desire to rectify his or her ways in order to bring the relationship on the right grounds.

Consider Leaving

If each of these areas fails, we have to consider leaving the partner. It is not respectable to diminish one’s self-worth and continue to live with someone who has no value for us. This might seem to be drastic and painful, but it is possible to leave one’s partner who had been taking your disability for granted. Things might seem to be tough in the very beginning. The emotional cost of leaving your partner might be devastating. This will be added to the financial situation and the physical disability that you are facing. However, it is always better to leave a partner who has been lying, cheating or taking your disability for granted in one or more situations.


Living with a disability is not easy for any person. However, one should bear the cost of suffering in a relationship because of certain relationship. Coping skills might be developed in order to handle a few situations. In any of these cases, one must be very careful about the steps he or she takes when they are in a relationship where the partner is taking advantage of the disability!

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