Secrets to a Marriage with Sighted Partners

20 Unrevealed Secrets to a Perfect Marriage with Sighted Partners

Choosing the right partner can be harder sometimes. Most visually impaired person is prone to marry a partner who is also visually impaired as they share the same crisis regarding their livelihood. Visually impaired people grow up to think due to social pressure that a person with the same disability can understand them better rather than a sighted partner but this common belief has been busted. There are many instances where a visually impaired person is living a very prosperous life with a sighted partner.

Not a savior!

In a perfect marriage with a sighted partner, you need to make it clear that you don’t need any saviour who is always trying to protect you from the outer world. In marriage, the sighted person is just your partner who can help you at certain times with certain things.

Shared humanity!

In a marriage, it’s not about just the attraction but the shared interest and shared humanity. Even when the visually impaired partner is angry or distressed then the sighted partner can notice it and resolve it with tenderness and care. But the same is necessary from your side too, whether or not you are visually impaired. If you sense your partner is uneasy or feel the other way, you should also extend arms.

Romantic long drives!

A sighted partner, who is a good driver, can be very handy as a spouse. You can go for a romantic long drive at the weekends to the outskirts of the city. The spouse can take you to the countryside so that you can escape from the cacophony of urban life.

Collision alert!

A responsible spouse does not want you to get collided in a public place or a hallway. The sighted partner can make sure that you will not collide with a person and be the reason for irritation to anybody. A spouse can notify the partner prior to any collision.


In a game of sports, the spouse or the sighted partner can narrate the events of a match. If you are a sports fan or a fan of any particular team then a sighted partner can help you to enjoy the game.

Silent moments!

In a movie, there are many moments or scenes with no dialogue that can turn the movie upside down.

Destination of next date!

A sighted partner can be very much handy in selecting a proper spot for the next date in a marriage.

Buying a car!

As a married couple, having a car is important for many reasons. A sighted partner can drive the car so you don’t need to hire a driver or use public transport.

Tag alert!

A sighted spouse can help you to remove the tag of brand new dresses that can be useful if you are going to a party.


The sighted spouse helps to let you know whether the socks or the dress are matching or not.


A sighted partner in a healthy married life can help you to maintain hygiene even when part of last night’s dinner is stuck between teeth.

Expiry date!

A sighted partner can ensure a good and healthy life as the sighted partner can notify you about the expiry dates of the medicines.

Good in bed!

The experience in the bed with the sighted spouse is better than the blind spouse as it is not prone to any accidents in bed. Even the sighted spouse can guide you in the intercourse as well as other activities.

Choosing the right dress!

Sighted partner helps their visually impaired spouses to be trendy or fashionable as the spouse can help the person to choose the right one.

Adventurous life!

A sighted spouse with a taste for adventure can help the visually impaired partner to lead a very adventurous married life that keeps the married life interesting enough.

Different perception!

A sighted spouse can provide a different perception regarding the world and the surroundings even though he can listen to the perception of the visually impaired partner as well.

Good with kids!

A sighted partner can take care of the children. Even they can prevent any accidents happening with a toddler in the same house.

Good photographs!

A sighted spouse can be very much useful in taking couple photographs. He/she can help to take good photographs even the partner can take good photos of the partner as well.

Giving exams!

The sighted spouse can be helpful if you are pursuing higher education. Your supportive sighted partner can help you to give examinations.

To conclude it can be said that in any relationship especially in marriage love and taking care are the most important components. In a marriage, mutual understanding of desires and needs is important as a sighted partner many external needs can be fulfilled.