The ultimate documents guide to apply for government services


Important documents necessary for people with disabilities in India for availing government services

Able Aura . 4min read

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Why we need it
Documents we need
Must have documents to apply to government schemes

Applying for government schemes is a twist like anything. We are confused, stuck or even frustrated sometimes. All of these confusions and frustrations are because of the tedious process involved in application, approval and getting benefited from the schemes. In this article, we would explain the easiest and the most important way to apply for any government schemes and that is having the right documents with you at the right time. One of the worst things that might happen to you while applying for a government scheme is getting passed on to all the stages and rejected at the end because you don’t have a particular document with you.

Our friend Oviya is a clear winner here since she holds all the documents photocopied and scanned on her phone. Let’s steal those hacks from her and benefit from the appropriate government schemes created for you.

Why we need it?

As persons with different abilities, we require schemes offered by both state and central governments to uplift our standard of living, get into jobs and access financial freedom. Scholarships, scribe allowance, readers allowance, reservation and access to smart devices are some of the excellent schemes offered by the state. Apart from these, special employment opportunities, access to educational Braille books and even smart phones are also in the list.

Documents we need

To get hold of all these exceptional plans offered by the government, we need to possess the following documents. Note these documents are the bare minimum and basic. Additional supply of documents is needed based on the service you are opting for.

The first document that you should have as a person with disability as per the Indian government is the disability identity card. This document is required to authenticate that you are a legal Indian citizen with total or partial disability. The document is also useful in identifying your level of disability based on the percentage method. You can obtain the disability ID card by completing a medical check-up in a government authorised hospital and get a signature from a government authorised ophthalmologist.

There are many variations of the disability ID card and all of them are equally valid. Form II is the most recent document issued by the government of India and it is yellow in colour. This is a single page document and can be produced anywhere to authenticate you as a person with a disability. The disability ID book is the traditional form of issuing documents. If you got your disability ID before 2016, you may definitely possess this in your document wallet. Don’t forget to photocopy the first page which contains your photo in the book and also the yellow card attached in the book.



The second document you need to avail government schemes is the Aadhar card. This is of no surprise that you need this card to avail all government services including the special services for persons with disability. The document is generally used to verify your address and proof of identity. Always attach a photocopy of the Aadhar card with your disability ID card to get the services at a faster rate. You can also have the PDF version of Aadhar for online applications. Be careful with the OTP while you authenticate Aadhar with e-sign.

The final document you need to apply for the basic scholarship services from the government is your bank passbook. Yes! You heard it right. Many applicants will possess their Aadhaar card and disability ID card but forget to keep their bank passbook with them. This will slow down the application process and will not enable the authority to process your scholarship amount to the appropriate bank account. Take a photocopy of the first page from your bank passbook which contains your account details and photo. You can also download your recent bank statement of the last six months for online applications.

Must have documents to apply for government schemes

To apply for any government scheme in a faster and efficient way you should possess the following documents:

  1. Disability ID card
  2. Aadhaar card
  3. Bank passbook front page or the recent bank statement.

Always remember that the government services are not to be missed at any cost. Regardless of your social status or financial independence, these services will enable you to live a dignified and independent life.|