Top 3 Secrets to Boost The Confidence of Your Visually Impaired Kid- Able Aura Community

Top 3 Secrets to Boost The Confidence of Your Visually Impaired Kid

The lives of visually impaired children are much more adversarial than others. Though they have to struggle more to learn or do something than other normal children, they need to be put in a few special situations to forget all their disabilities and keep standing in the same line with everyone. If you are one of those guardians or well-wishers who have a visually impaired child, you need to take care of them in such effective ways to take his confidence level like normal kids. Let’s know about three prime formulas to increase their confidence.

1. Treat and Prepare Them Like Other Normal babies:

• If he has a sibling, encourage him to play with him or let him hang out or play with neighbors or friends. But take care that no one hits him when playing or any other activities or makes fun of his condition. Discuss with his siblings or friends and warn them about that. If, for some reason, he becomes frustrated, encourage him in various ways.

• It is essential to keep them active, both physically and mentally, while at home. Stay connected with them in non-visual ways. If you contact other children, they can see you, even if you do not look at them. So they are visually connected to you. But that is not possible for a visually impaired child, so you have to take another approach. Have an intelligent conversation with them while they are at home and play various games with them where they can use their feet or hands, this will help increase their body awareness.

• Involve them in various non-risky household chores. Let them know the world and home with their feelings. For example, they may be asked to clean the bed, sofa, or table, give water to the plants, or clean small dishes.

• A visually impaired child knows nothing about social norms and gestures. They have a distance of communication from others. So introduce them with social gestures like greeting others or saying goodbye to others so that they can treat everyone like other children.

2. Give Them an Explanation That They are Different But Not Weak:

• Make them proficient in some works that many children do not know. For example, visually impaired children are more sensitive to hearing and touch than others. So they can be taught to play musical instruments like Piano or Harmonica, or professional singer training can also be given to them. This will give them more confidence, and they will not feel weak among other children.
• Visually impaired children can be emotionally broken if they are insulted by someone. Teach them to ignore insults. Explain to them that those insulting them are mentally ill or teach them to avoid their insults with some smart outspoken answers.

• Encourage and praise them every time. For example, if they can do a calculation on their own, memorize a poem, or show a special awareness about a subject, then compliment them. This will give them confidence at work.

3. Inspire Them in Many Unique Ways every day:

• Many people have set an example of success despite being blind, such as Hellen Keller, Dr Abraham Nemeth, Joaquin Rodrigo, etc. Today there are many famous blind sportsmen, writers, musicians, actors, and entrepreneurs. Depict the story of the life of those persons and tell about their activity. You can read or elaborate on Hellen Keller’s biography to them. Also, tell them about some other storybooks which have success stories of different physically challenged characters. Make awareness to the visually challenged children of their work and stories of struggle. With this, they will gain a lot of confidence in their path.

• Various organizations are working for blind children nowadays. Every year, They organize various cultural and sporting events for visually impaired children. As they spend some time happily, they also will be inspired in their own lives in many ways.

• Encourage them to compete with other blind children. Admit them to study in a reputed blind school. If he gets many friends with the same problems, his courage and strength will increase. Allow them to make friends with other physically challenged children. This will also increase their confidence level a lot.

So, It is very easy to increase the confidence level of visually blind children and push them towards success. Encourage your visually blind child to walk the same path as normal children with confidence. Surely one day, they will make you proud.