What can be done for Better Bus transportation experience for the persons with disabilties?


Travelling turns into an inaccessible and challenging process regardless of the duration of the journey for individuals with disabilities.

We have been conditioned to take travel for granted because of our able bodies and minds but travelling with dignity for a person with a disability is still a big challenge. At the best, they have to rely on the ‘kindness of strangers and at the worst, face the brunt of these inaccessible structures.

Travelling in India by bus , even for short distances for an individual with a disability is embedded with more roadblocks than one can imagine.

Here’s what we can do better for persons with disabilties in bus transportation :

As much discussed as it is, the first point of action should be :

• To Sensitise the Public :

The government along with us should sensitise the public and break the social stigma against people with disabilities.

• Empathy rather than sympathy :

Empathy rather than sympathy should be our first step for achieving a friendlier space.

• Arranging luggage and travel assistance :

Arranging luggage and travel assistance at the bus station can go a long way in catalysing improved presence of people with disabilities.

• Building support groups :

Building support groups to chart out solutions and suggest measures as well as provide a sense of community for individuals with mental health issues could help as well.

• Reservation of Seats :

Reservation of seats, strict implementation of the same along with structural changes in buses for persons with disabilties on a large scale level from grass root levels is crucial.

• Multi - Facility Buses and Bus stations :

Making sure that the various facilities such as stairs for buses, legroom are up to the mark along with sensitising the drivers and conductors to be more empathetic and understanding of needs of persons with disabilities can act as positive reinforcement.

• Planning and formulating Policies for bus transportation :

It is also of crucial importance to make sure that persons with disabilities are actively involved in planning and formulating policies. It is pertinent to ensure representation in forums and giving them the much-needed space. Passing the mic is the need of the hour.

• Even as we continue to make strides in building infrastructure, build multi facility buses and other advanced modes of transportation, it is of paramount importance to not forget that true progress involves ensuring people from all sections have their basic, fundamental needs fulfilled.

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Persons with Disabilities in Chennai have been demanding low floor buses for a very long time. Court Case was pending for a very long time. Many representations were made for these low floor buses which would be suitable for Wheelchair users, senior persons, pregnant women, persons having temporary disability due to an operation etc…
Trial runs have been conducted recently - hopefully looking forward for a solution soon.
Apart from the difficulty a person faces, there is a huge financial burden for a Person with Disabilities to use other means of transports like hiring an auto or a cab.
As mentioned in the blog - sensitizing the public and building good support groups would definitely help.