Why Should A Visually Impaired Person Care About Fashion

Why Should A Visually Impaired Person Care About Fashion

There is no doubt that most common people have a predetermined mindset about visually impaired persons. And hence this type of question does arise! It sounds like the visually impaired people are out of human civilization like they don’t have any sense of aesthetics or don’t need to be socially presentable. These myths should be broken, and we should let people know more and more about the visually impaired ones and why they should care about fashion.

Read more: How to Shop Online as a Visually Impaired

Why Care About Fashion

● To Be Happy

The prime importance of being fashionable is the happiness associated with this. A VI person feels enchanted while choosing a proper fashion. Putting on a stylish outlook brings immense happiness, though the final result is unknown to a VI person. A VI person only can visualize the outlook with imagination. However, much of that imagination is based on the opinions of the people around and other sensory perceptions of the person. From choosing a proper fashion, shopping accordingly, dressing up properly, and putting on suitable makeup to get people’s reaction to the fashion, these actions bring pleasure and make a VI person happy from within.

● To Break The Myths

A conventional idea has been set in people’s minds that visually impaired persons do have a specific type of outlook. Suppose that the visually impaired wears good clothing and maintain a proper outlook. In that case, people make comments like ‘you are not looking blind’, thinking that the visually impaired may be maintaining the outlook to hide the blindness. People with no vision or less vision are assumed to be careless about their dressing.

We should address these misconceptions and show other people that their myth is completely wrong. But, it is next to impossible to go to all the common people and explain all these. So, necessarily people with impaired vision should normalize the practice of being fashionable.

● To Look Presentable

Outlook is very important as it grabs people’s attention, whether the person is visually impaired or not. For VI persons, it is more crucial because they are usually being ignored and sympathized with by others. A fashionable outfit helps to build an effective personality. In a social gathering, it helps to get respect, to build good communication with others. Besides, while going out for any purpose, the fashion sense should be of deep concern as the outlook must be compatible with the purpose, which makes one presentable.

● To Develop The Sense Of Orientation

Choosing a fashion and arranging oneself according to that fashion is not a very easy task for anyone, not for a VI person. Finding a trustworthy person, choosing a fashion based on his opinion and personal preferences, buying suitable clothes, shoes, etc. accordingly, wearing those properly, matching makeup in the proper amount - each step is extremely prudent and plays a very crucial role in increasing the level of subtlety of the consciousness of the VI person.

In addition, regular fashion maintenance requires careful packing of clothes and other essentials and keeping everything tidy. A VI person has to go through some more routine habits, which helps build an organized life and enhance The Sense Of Orientation.

Fashion For Visually Impaired: Expansion Of A New Market

From a business perspective, the fashion for the VI is a brand new market, and the more their fashion sense and the trend of being fashionable spreads, the greater the market will be. The most interesting part of this market is the scope of innovation in the case of products. There is growing realization on making the products more accessible and suitable for the VI - a huge opportunity for experiments is being created. It will continue to be expanded more and more. We have already seen that brands like Nike and Hilfiger have come a long way in this market, and they are working hard to expand their business based on this concept and reach out to the people with less or no vision. Although our country still does not have this market in that sense, if the need for this fashion is properly spread and people understand its usefulness, there is ample opportunity for this market to be successfully created in this country as well. The VI people will be able to benefit from it.

In addition, nowadays, we can see fashion shows and modeling opportunities for the VI that play a significant role in establishing the fact that they are in no way inferior to the rest.


In case of bringing about a change in the mentality of neglect and compassion towards the VI people or any disabled in our society; in the case of a VI person’s well-being; It is imperative to be careful about fashion, at least in today’s society, for its healthy impact on biological and social life. And there is no doubt that the necessary arrangements have already been made and will become more available soon.