Your child’s future will be partly in your hands, but it also depends on your child’s wishes and intentions. So please refrain from imposing your wishes upon your child. Instead, you can introduce your child to sports at an early age. And then, if your child wants to be a para sports person, you can guide him or her and help him/or her as needed. If you have any such thoughts about your child, if your child wants to progress in para-sports, we will discuss here the things you need to pay attention to.

1. Make sure that your child has an interest in sports

There are some problematic social tendencies around us. Regardless of the disability, most parents unknowingly impose their expectations on the child, which impedes their development, causing severe damage to their mental and physical health. You should ensure that your child will not be a victim of such burdens.

So, first of all, evaluate how much your child is interested in sports, how much he or she feels about it, and how much he or she is taking sports seriously.

Find out how your child participates in sports or other physical activities at school. As such, regular exercise and sports play a significant role in the development of children, especially PWD children. So encourage your child to play sports at an early age and try to understand how much he or she is interested in. On that basis, enroll in a particular school or special educator and physical trainer and a qualified sports instructor of your child’s choice at your convenience. We have a shortage of para-sports coaches in our country, so you may have to search a little longer than usual. However, it is essential to get training at the right time.

2. Know in detail about para-sports future

Choosing the right sports is one of the essential parts of pursuing para-sports. And to make that choice, you and your child need to have an idea about each of the trades of Para Sports, its method of playing, the possibilities, the cost, and other necessary things.

3. Be aware of the position of para-sports in our country

Our country has had tremendous success in the last few seasons of the Paralympics, which has created an extraordinary inclination of the able-bodied towards para-sports, and even the government has begun to take various initiatives. But, even after that, it is not easy for everyone to get all the necessary facilities for para-sports in our country. You need to have a complete idea about the availability of training, facilities, and other essentials for your child to pursue para-sports.

4. Research the government schemes and initiatives

Investments and schemes are regularly increasing. The Government of India has identified “Para-sports” as a prime field for financial aid. The Ministry of State for Youth Affairs and Sports formed three NSFs in 2018 named AISCD, PCI, and SOB to support para-sports. From 2019 onwards, GOI has instructed all the state governments to provide coaches and required facilities to 250 candidates per year. A budget has also been allotted for this initiative. Besides, Khelo India and so many other government schemes under NSDF and NSFs promote para-sports. Having concrete ideas about these schemes and facilities will help you bring your child forward towards a para-sports future.

5. Choose the best institution for the training of your child

Choosing the most suitable institution for your offspring to get quality training is the essential part of building a para-sports career. Institutions like Indian Athletic Academy-Bangalore, Aditya School Of Sports-Kolkata, National Institute of Fitness Studies-Kolkata, Special Sports Academy-Delhi, National Sports School-Coimbatore, Sprinters Sports Club-Mumbai are highly recognized for their excellent training services. You can try to admit your child to any of these institutes or any other quality institute accessible to you.

6. Read about successful para-sports personalities

You and your child, the future para-sports person, should know about the Paralympics winners and other successful para-sports persons- their life stories, struggles, and keys to success. It brings enthusiasm and helps in the journey.

7. Encourage participation

On any level of para-sports according to your child’s capability. The practice of participation in competitive sports helps to build up sportsman spirit and serious dedication to the game.

8. Stay Updated

Keep up-to-date knowledge about para-sports and facilities related to the same, both local and the national levels.

9. Don’t miss

Don’t miss enrolling your child in the National Talent Search Portal under SAI.

Final Thoughts

Putting these few things in mind, considering a para-sports future for your child will not be so hard for you. With the way our country is progressing in para-sports and the government’s good initiatives, we can hope that para-sports will become a mainstream line shortly. And so, the situation is more suitable for your child to make a move towards a para-sports future.