Importance of special education for children with special needs



Right To Free Public Education

Need For An Adequate Learning Environment

Need For Equality

Impact On Mental Health

Why Special Education Still Needs To Be Part Of Basic Education Programme?


When we approach the topic of equality we surely cannot leave out the need for special education. Children with learning disabilities need to have a positive environment which nourishes them to learn at their own pace without having any discrimination. The need for special education arises from this point of view. As per UNICEF reports there are 93 million children in the world who have some or the other form of disability. The right to a better life will only see through a successful implementation when the right to education for all children is ensured. Special education does form the basis of upliftment for children who are unable to attend public schools which do not ensure accessibility for all. The importance of special needs education lies here.

Right To Free Public Education

Enjoying the same rights as everyone is the goal for the right to free public education. There are various laws and schemes from the government across various countries to ensure that every kid disabled or not has the right to education. But the need for special education isn’t only based on a regular academic course, but indeed requires a framework which assists students in a regular classroom with all arrangements that facilitate learning. Mostly there are small groups of learners attending the free public education provided for children with special needs. One of the main focuses of such education is a learning plan for individual children according to their needs. This is also known as the Individualized Educational Plan. Special educators form a team which enables making this IEP process easier and effective.

Need For An Adequate Learning Environment

An adequate learning environment has to be non-discriminatory and built to cater to special needs. The need of special education lies in the fact that a regular classroom may be built to promote learners who are well equipped to learn new information without having any form of disability. These instances may give rise to certain situations which does the opposite of motivating a child to push further, break barriers and learn to retain new information. Besides this the time, framework that are use in special needs institutions for education is different from the ones that are provided in a regular classroom.

Need For Equality

The importance of special needs education also lies in the fact that there are several courses like speech therapy, language therapy or even occupational therapy besides physical therapy that are necessary in a special needs coursework. While these are some courses that may not be necessary for those who do not have a condition of disability, it is crucial for those who do have it. Hence the need for a special curriculum arises out of the same. Hence to ensure equality in the outside world it is necessary to get it right at the most basic point of start in the education framework.

Impact On Mental Health

The impact on mental health has also been addressed in special education. Children here feel more comfortable to open up and interact with their mates who they form a group with. This has affected their mental health positively over the years and encouraged them to step into the world of academics and pursue it further.

Why Special Education Still Needs To Be Part Of Basic Education Programme?

If children are left out due to the lack of special education institutions then the percentage of educated individuals among people with disability drops significantly. Hence the importance of special education also lies in the fact that the basic educational needs have to be met in order to progress to higher education if the aspirant hopes to do so.