Don't Make These Top 10 Mistakes If You Are Visually Impaired While Choosing Higher Education- Able Aura Community

Don’t Make These Top 10 Mistakes If You Are Visually Impaired While Choosing Higher Education

There are ample opportunities for higher education for visually challenged students. That’s why they are moving forward in different branches and constantly creating examples of success. But visually impaired people need to get rid of some misconceptions while pursuing higher education. When the opportunity for education is so clear to them, they should move forward in the right direction. Let’s raise awareness about some of these mistakes.

If You Are A Visually Impaired Person Then, You Must Avoid These Mistakes

● A common misconception that exists is that there is no opportunity to study too far with the help of the Braille Press. But this is a completely wrong idea. Erick Marco G. Ramos says a man from the Philippines is currently studying for a Ph.D. in the US. All India Institute of Speech and Hearing offers special study opportunities for visually impaired students. Visually Impaired students are taught up to B. Ed at Andhra University.

● Many visually impaired students have a bizarre idea that they are far behind normal students. Because of this misconception, they think they are getting lower marks in exams than normal students. But in no case are disabled and non-disabled students seen separately. Their disabilities don’t influence their marks in any way. Just as there are various educational materials for the disabled, there are plenty of educational tools for the non-disabled to study adequately.

● There is no reason to think that there is no opportunity for them to study outside of the traditional stream. Many visually impaired students want to go beyond the conventional subject of science, philosophy, literature, etc., to this misconception. They think it will affect their careers or they will fall behind due to their disability. This is so unreasonable. Today, many visually impaired people have become quite famous by studying and working in the creative line and have become an example in the eyes of society.

● Due to an inferiority complex, many visually impaired students feel that they are not fit to study relatively difficult subjects like science, maths etc. This is why they are afraid to study medical science or engineering. But it should be kept in mind that many visually challenged students in India today are studying hard and succeeding in difficult subjects.

● There is a good scope for visually impaired people in India and abroad to study the subject of their choice. Under the pressure of family, visually impaired people often make the mistake of studying the subject according to the preferences of others; if the family does not agree, then it’s necessary to sit for a consultation with them and explain these things to them.

● The Guardian makes the mistake of not choosing the right institute at the right time. As a result, they may not have reached high school when a normal boy of their age is graduating. Because of these mistakes, the lives of many visually challenged people end so early.

They and their parents need to be more careful not to make this mistake further.

● Many visually impaired people study for a certain period due to mental retardation but do not want to study and prepare for the job test. Their idea is that they are not fit for the job. Some People do not want to study too far from this misconception. But many visually impaired students are doing the job of their choice in different workplaces. The 1995 enactment of the Persons with Disability Act stipulates that 1% of jobs in the government and public sectors will be reserved for those with visual disabilities.

● Many visually impaired people study to get a decent and attractive degree.

But they need to understand that the “Indian Association for the Blind” is currently offering job opportunities to visually impaired people in various capacities.

● Among visually impaired, economically weak people are a part of the misconception that there has to be a huge financial backup to study. But now, it is possible to get higher education for very little money in the case of visually impaired people. There are promises of scholarships and help from the government and various NGOs for them. It is a bad decision to go away from studies without researching them.

● Visually Disabled Students think they need a guide to study and attend the examination in all cases. But now, many technologically advanced tools allow them to study and sit for exams independently. They need to get out of this misconception.


Therefore, it turned out that there are all kinds of subjective conditions for visually impaired students to pursue their higher education and flourish with a lovely career. You just have to be more indiscriminating towards other people.